Sunday, February 23, 2014

Engineering Mechanics

Resultants of Non-coplanar Force Systems
Non-coplanar force systems are described as follows. A concurrent system consists of forces that intersect at a point. A parallel system consists of forces that intersect at infinity. The most general system is called non-concurrent, nonparallel (or skew), and, as the name implies, the forces are not all concurrent and not all parallel.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Moment of a Force

    Moments & Coplanar forces                           
Moment of a force: This is the product of the magnitude of the forces &                               
perpendicular distances from any point to the line of action.                               
Determining the moment:                               
Tree Steps                               
(1) Determine perpendicular distance                               
(2) Calculate the magnitude(volume)of the moment                               
(3) Determine the sign.                               
Two force that have equal magnitude, opposite direction & different line of actions are called couple.                               
 Types of reaction(Supports) of Beam                               
(1) Roller or simple support                               
(2) Hinged or pin Support                               
(3) Fixed support                               
Types of loading.                               
(1) Concentrated loading                               
(2) Uniformly distributed loading                               
(3) Uniformly varying loading                               
Shear forces: The shear force at a section may be defined as the algebraic sum                               
of all the external forces acting parallel to the section on either left or right                               
of the section.                               
 Bending moment:                               
It is the algebraic sum of the moments of all external forces acting on either the                               
left or the right of the section.                               

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Picture of Deer

Engineering Mechanics-8/2/14

Engineering Mechanics

Resultants & Components

Resultant of a force system

Two Methods:

1. Graphical Method

2 Algabrical Method

2 Algabrical Method

1 Mention the co-ordination

2. Evaluate the co-ordination

3. use co-ordinate for direct component.

Recangular component force:

Same angle for indirect or opposite component by pultiplying the original force is called rectangular component force.

R=√ (ΣFx)² + (Σfy)²

Q= Tanꜗ= Σfy/ΣFx

Free Body.

A free body diagram of a body or a group of bodie swhich is isolated from its environment & on which an external forces such as weight applied forces forces contains or reaction & friction reacting.

Different steps of Free body:

(1) Identify the object I want to object

(2) Sketch the draw.

(3)Add specific Gravity.

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